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Social Media Marketing Isn't A Quick Fix For Your Business.

Social media marketing tips for small businesses

Are you frustrated that you launched your social media accounts and in 30 days you're not rolling in 10K followers? Or you've just started a business and 3 months in you're not overwhelmed with enquiries flooding your DM's? You're not alone.

Did you know: it takes an avocado seed 10-15 years to grow until it is able to produce delicious avocado pears we all love so much? Over 6,000 avocados are sold in the UK every hour. At an ever increasing price currently at around £1 for one avocado that's £6,000 per hour, and if we count 10 hours per day on average when individuals shop let's that that's £60,000 per day so in an average week these bad boys can bring in £420,000. I have a point, I promise.

The avocado that we all love so much and tastes so good (and costs a hell of a lot that we're willing to fork out for) TAKES 10-15 YEARS TO PRODUCE FRUIT. That's commitment, resilience, and patience to produce something so great organically. Nature takes time to create incredible things, there are very few instances when results are immediate. So I want to bring your attention to the world around you when you're expecting social media marketing results fast and heavy.

With the world of social media on the rise, we're expecting instant gratification when it comes to launching our business online. Surrounded by influencers with 100k followers, it's easy to sit and think: I'll start a Facebook and Instagram page, and my business will BOOM overnight. I'll get clients and make sales. I'll sign up advertisers and get company sponsorships.

The reality is - it doesn't happen overnight. Unless you can get Kylie Jenner to re-share your first post and tell all her 140 million followers to go follow you. In which case I bow down to you.

Social media marketing takes time to grow organically. When I talk to my clients I sign them up for a minimum of three months because that's when I know we will be able to see a significant result in stats and traffic. Especially if the accounts are new or have been inactive! When using social media as a marketing tool you need to remember it is a conversation between a brand and a person - and those relationships take time to build. That relationship will then mean your new friend will tell their friends about you and they'll go to check you out. All of a sudden a relationship your patiently nurtured has brought in not 1 but 4 potential customers. You nurture those 4 relationships and they can turn into 16. And so on. But this takes time and patience.

Algorithms on social media are real and they also need time to recognise who and what your business is. Now more than ever it's harder to get organic engagement as platforms want you to pay for their advertising tools - and by all means with a tailored campaign you can engage in this advertising but nothing will never beat the organic engagement and posting a business owner or their social media marketing consultant can do. But this takes time and knowledge.

I nurtured and grew my own social media and blog following for 5 years before I turned it into a business which allowed me to leave my 9-5 and work with brilliant brands, like you. And I noticed the more my brand grows now and the more I stress and push for growth, the less I get. On those weeks when I stop counting my followers and selling to them, but instead share content that I like or think would be of value to someone, my growth happens. With time, patience, and knowledge.

There are of course exceptions to this idea like if you are a new app and want a launch that's hard and fast, you can launch a marketing campaign which will drive thousands to your pages. Or maybe you filmed the next viral video. But as a general rule of raising brand awareness and growing your social media accounts organically, you need time.

Social media won't bring you customers and clients after 24hrs of starting your account. Brands won't slide into your DM's offering you contracts for £3k and a wardrobe full of clothing after you've posted one post. But give it time, patience, and knowledge and your social media accounts will not only raise your brand profile, they will bring you business, make meaningful connections, and replace your emails!

I set up Dalry Rose Digital to help businesses and brands use social media marketing to it's full potential and I'm dedicated to making that happen - chat to me if you want to empower yourself or your team to grow and bloom your social media presence!


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